From a single source come two products that can change the way long-term care (LTC) operations approach two tasks in pharmacy management – document/content and delivery logistics. Integra®’s DocuTrack and DeliveryTrack are essential to LTC pharmacy management, preparing your operation to ensure the best possible transfer and storage of information and products.
DocuTrack is the leading workflow and content-management solution in the LTC market. It is a turnkey product that organizes, stores, routes, retrieves and tracks all items in workflow directly from employee workstations. DocuTrack reduces the time spent on legislative documentation, filling and refilling logistics and consulting notes. The interface with QS/1’s Pharmacy Management Systems increases productivity, reduces costs and enhances compliance.
DeliveryTrack results in peace of mind when prescriptions leave the pharmacy. From the pharmacy to facilities or the customer’s home, track deliveries, verify items, capture electronic signatures and more.
Each of these products is a powerful tool tailored specifically for pharmacy workflow. Together they enhance and improve the process of transferring and storing information and delivering prescriptions. New enhancements further integration with QS/1.
QS/1 and Integra have worked to make daily processes easier with PrimeCare, a pharmacy management system, and DocuTrack, a complete workflow and document management system. With QS/1’s Service Pack 19.1.20 and Integra’s DocuTrack eRx module version 6.6, many new features are available to customers using electronic medication administration record (eMAR) or Surescripts® interfaces.
DocuTrack can now load National Council for Prescription Drug Programs (NCPDP) SCRIPT messages directly into PrimeCare. The NCPDP SCRIPT message types include NewRx, CancelRx, Census and Resupply. The eMAR or Surescripts interface sends messages to QS/1’s Data Center to be delivered to the pharmacy. Simultaneously, the NCPDP SCRIPT messages are sent to DocuTrack’s eRx module.
DocuTrack added a new feature to allow NCPDP SCRIPT messages to be sent to PrimeCare with one click. Previously, for example, to process a Census message you clicked Mail, Census and double clicked the message to display the Patient Record to update patient information. To add a New Rx message, you clicked Mail, New Rx and double clicked the message to display the Patient Record to start entering the new prescription. With this enhancement, click Load NCPDP Message within DocuTrack and the Patient Record automatically displays.
You now have the ability to mark an uncompleted Refill message (received via Health Level 7 (HL7) from the DocuTrack refill sheet barcode) as processed in the Mail/Tickler scan, if a Resupply message was already processed from the 10.6 eMAR. The NCPDP SCRIPT Resupply message and the HL7 Refill message can be the same message but sent to QS/1 in two different formats. The eMAR sends NCPDP Resupply messages to QS/1, and DocuTrack scans and sends HL7 Refills to QS/1. Because two different workflows are used for these different message types, it is possible for duplicate messages to be received and processed. Since both messages contain the same Prescriber Order Number, QS/1 has the ability to identify and match these messages. Once the Resupply message has processed, the uncompleted duplicate HL7 Refill will be marked as processed in the Mail/Tickler scan.
QS/1 and Integra have made it easier to associate documents and save time by reducing the number of clicks. Integra added a new flag, Auto Add DocuTrack Document Type on Association. If this flag is checked, QS/1 uses the DocuTrack Document Type when associating. If the flag is not checked, the QS/1 document description is used for association.
To allow more fields to be associated from PrimeCare to DocuTrack forms, using the Form Fill In feature, QS/1 is providing its premium application program interface (API) to all DocuTrack customers at no additional cost. Pharmacies will automatically receive the API with Service Pack 19.1.20.
DocuTrack also supports the ability to automatically associate patients to incoming documents. Nursing Home forms, such as A23 or A/R Statement B, which print the charge account barcode, are auto associated when the barcoded form is scanned into DocuTrack. This feature can be implemented if the Patient ID is also used for the Charge Account number in PrimeCare or a patient association has been made from PrimeCare, at least once, to DocuTrack before the Statement of Account has been printed.
PrimeCare Service Pack 19.1.20 also includes enhancements for DeliveryTrack, Integra’s delivery management solution. Signatures from DeliveryTrack to QS/1 are populated in PrimeCare on the Transaction Record. Storing signatures in PrimeCare completes the delivery reconciliation process. New Print Options were added to the Delivery Sheet to allow for patient home deliveries. Answer Yes to print the patient’s home address on the Delivery Sheet. The home Delivery Sheets must be run separately from facility deliveries.
There are current options for Export File = YES or ONLY, using the Print Pat. Info Print Option to determine the address information to include in the file. Print Pat. Info = NO populates the export file with the facility’s Address, and Print Pat. Info = YES populates the export file with the patient’s Address, City, State and Zip. A new option, Print Pat. Info = YA2, creates the export file with a new format and prints the Delivery Sheets. With the new file format, a new field for 2nd Address has been added to print after the Street Address field.
DocuTrack and DeliveryTrack were designed specifically for the pharmacy market and can add additional efficiency and accountability to your operation. Go paperless and gain more control over your delivery processes with these products.
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