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Is Your Hardware Making Your Pharmacy Work Harder?

The shower of crumbs after turning over the average keyboard is probably a good indicator of how much TLC most computer hardware gets. But if your hardware isn’t fast enough, can’t handle the latest features, or is even running non-supported software (Windows 7 users, look out), then you are struggling unnecessarily – which affects your pharmacy’s performance.

Keeping Moms in Mind in the Pharmacy

We love our moms, and even when we’re grabbing a card and flowers at the last minute, we love to show them on Mother’s Day. Aside from stocking popular gifts for their special day, what are some simple ways your pharmacy can show moms the love – every day?

When Less Is More – Pharmacists’ Role in Deprescribing

Chances are, you’re still filling a prescription for a patient years after you first dispensed it. You’ve probably also had to alert patients or their doctors that a prescription they brought in might not be a good fit with what they’re currently taking. With so much of healthcare becoming drug based, it was probably inevitable that people would end up being prescribed more meds, for longer, than is good for them.

QS/1® Offers Compliance Packaging Label Solution

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), of the 4 billion prescriptions filled each year in the United States, half are not taken in accordance with the prescribers’ instructions. QS/1 pharmacy management software offers a label for medication adherence packaging.

QS/1 Partnership Offers Compliant Patient Communications

QS/1 is partnering with Digital Pharmacist, Inc. to offer secure, HIPAA compliant methods of patient communication through a variety of platforms. This easy to use system will allow patients the convenience of requesting and receiving information from the pharmacy using their personal devices, such as smartphones.

Combating Obesity – The Pharmacist’s Role

Over recent decades, obesity has grown into a global health crisis where 38% of U.S. adults and more than 17% of children are currently obese. A 2015 study revealed statistics that are even more alarming: more than 600 million adults and 100 million children worldwide are considered obese.