
Customer Stories

Customer Stories

Customer Spotlight

Customer Spotlight: ElderCare Pharmacy

By QS/1

Addressing the medication needs of approximately 6,500 patients in more than 60 facilities across Georgia requires a blend of adept operations and commitment to customers. To do it successfully for 30 years in an ever-changing industry takes an open, flexible mindset.

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Santa Monica Pharmacy and SharpRx

By QS/1

In May 2017, Santa Monica Pharmacy and Medical Supplies of Baltimore, MD, opened its doors, fulfilling a lifelong goal of owner Aloysius C. Ibe, Dr.PH, R.Ph. Ibe remembers his childhood fascination when visiting a chemist with his mother in Nigeria, watching him mix a cough or fever preparation for them.

Enrich and Improve Lives: Campus Health Services Pharmacies at the University of NC

By QS/1

Good communication is essential to success; without it, opportunities to foster positive relationships diminish and growth is nearly impossible. Amy Sauls, R.Ph., director of Campus Health Services at the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill, has seen many changes in her 20 years in the pharmacy industry. One of the most monumental changes is the way she and her staff communicate with the student body.

QS/1 Partners with KPhA to Provide Pharmacy Services in Emergencies

By QS/1

Earlier this year, QS/1 partners, the Kentucky Department for Public Health (KDPH) and the Kentucky Pharmacists Association (KPhA), participated in a showcase to display the region’s overall capabilities to respond to a natural disaster or emergency and demonstrate services the state could provide, including fire, police, pharmacy and other disaster-response resources.